The Centre is now organized to include the following components:
- A Board of Patrons
- An External Auditor
- An Executive Council
- A high strategic Board
- An Academic Advisory Board
A Board of Patrons is being established forthwith, with the overall responsibility to help and champion IMET2000-Pal and encourage and vocalize support for its projects in Palestine. Initially a total of seven are being selected (six to date) to represent the academic and business interests of Palestine comprising:
- Three carefully selected businessmen
- Representatives of each healthcare profession: medicine, dentistry, and nursing and allied health professionals
An Academic Advisory Board(AAB) is being recruited (20 Palestinians linked one-to-one to international experts in their particular field of expertise) to represent all healthcare disciplines. The AAB is strictly advisory to the Board of patrons but it will have a powerful role in holding a watching brief over the work of the Centre to ensure it meets agreed milestones and academic targets. An AAB of say 40 or so members would be effective and manageable and could meet either physically occasionally in Ramallah or by video-conferencing as appropriate on a regular basis.
A Executive Council(EC), under the supervision of the high strategic council, is now recruited to build up and run the Centre. The EC is appointed by and responsible directly to the High Strategic Board. All staff will be employed part-time and paid directly from a dedicated bank account overseen by an official auditor.