Aims and Objectives
- To bring together education of all concerned in health provision in a multidisciplinary learning programme.
- To form partnerships with well established NGO’s such as MAP and Care International and provide specialist training and learning opportunities in appropriate specialist centres of excellence such as Burns Units in Palestine.
- To provide a matrix of continuous healthcare education (CHE) and encourage a culture of lifelong learning.
- To establish a telemedicine network throughout Palestine.
- To provide learning, educational and continuous training resources which transcend factional interests and physical or geographical barriers to access.
- To create new learning tools for undergraduates, postgraduates and for continuous education for all healthcare professions.
- To pioneer these new methods and learning resources in a cost effective and readily accessible way (eg Skype,. Moodle, Internet) so that they are of particular value to economically deprived students.
- To raise awareness at an international level of health, population growth and potential future epidemic issues.
- To provide opportunities and funding for short periods of specialised training in each discipline.
- To initiate research programmes in common diseases in Palestine currently unfunded because of economic deprivation.
- To encourage personal and collaborative interchanges with the international community thus furthering understanding of different cultures and societies.
- To return much of medical education to a community base with laboratory and other facilities as well as IT regarded as adjuncts to that primary care patient resource.
- To support study tours of facilities in the Palestinian territories by healthcare professionals from outside Palestine.
- To organise and fund symposia and workshops in the Palestinian territories and to bring experts from outside to Palestine.