"How to conduct a clinical audit " Research Methodology Session 5 (Research Club)



Are you interested in Clinical Audit ?

Do you want to know more about it ?


If so, this workshop is for you…


Join us via our first in a series of workshops on Research Methodology

via ZOOM




Dr. Malik Zaben, our CEO. (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Malik_Zaben/publications)

Clinical Lecturer in Neurosurgery, Cardiff University, UK


This workshop will cover these topics:

1)Difference Between Clinical Aduit and Research 

2)Do we need clinical audit in Palestine 

3)Why should I bother as medical student with clinical audit 

4)Would I be able to publish my clinical audit.





For those of who are interested  , please find the link below for registration. We are looking for your attendance .
